Union education is available to all union members, but priority is given to those who have volunteered to help the Local by becoming a shop steward or being elected as an executive member. The local covers all the costs of the education – registration, accommodation, travel, and union “book-off” time.

Week long courses are typically held in:

  • mid-January to mid-February at Harrison Hot Springs – the Canadian Labour Congress Pacific Region Winter School
  • May-June in Kamloops – the CUPE BC Spring Weeklong School
  • October-November in Nanaimo – the CUPE BC Fall Weeklong School

The BCFed Health and Safety Centre runs health and safety-related courses throughout the year. You can see what’s available on the course calendar.

Other courses are held throughout the year. Please see the listing on the right for more details. If you want to attend a course please fill in the Union Education Form and send it to Tom Benjamin or Shirley Lyons, the members of the Education Committee.

CANCELLED - Spring 2020 Weeklong School
Spring 2020 Weeklong School in Kamloops, May 24-29, has been cancelled.
Kelly Kerr VIHA Steward
Tom Benjamin, CRD Technology & Digital Transformation, 625 Fisgard Street Past President
Tyler Lynk, CRD Integrated Water Services, McLoughlin Wastewater Treatment Plant CRD Steward
Ferron Olynyk VIHA Steward
Shane Reimer, CRD Parks & Environmental Services, Regional Parks CRD Coordinator
Coral Lee Henderson, CRD Bylaw and Animal Care Services CRD Steward
Graziella Martin, CRD Parks & Environmental Services, Regional Parks CRD Steward
CRD Integrated Water Services CRD Steward
CRD Steward
Brett Wicker, Panorama Recreation Centre CRD Steward
CRD Steward
CRD Integrated Water Services, Macaulay Point CRD Steward
CRD Steward
Blair Barrett, CRD Parks & Environmental Services, Regional Parks CRD Steward
CRD Integrated Water Services, Tennyson Avenue CRD Steward
Panorama Recreation Centre CRD Steward
Tom Judge GVHS Steward
WSPRS Steward
Michael McKinley VIHA Steward
Job Action Email
Sceni Powers, CRD Financial Services, Major Projects Trustee
Carli Hliva, CRD Parks & Environmental Services, Hartland Landfill Trustee
Frieda Shabrang Vice President
Mauricio Navarrete, CRD President
Karley Field, CRD Finance, Payroll
Swati Scott VIHA Coordinator
James Kroening, CRD Integrated Water Services, Saanich Peninsula Wastewater Treatment Plant CRD Coordinator
Cale McLellan, CRD Housing Chair (CRD)
Tony Smerychynski, CRD Integrated Water Services, McLoughlin Point Wastewater Treatment Plant CRD Coordinator
Perry Watson, CRD Parks & Environmental Services, Hartland Landfill CRD Steward
Jayden Grieve Chair GVHS
Lindsay Fumalle VIHA Chair
Shawn Davies, West Shore Parks & Recreation WSPRS Chair
Shirley Lyons, CRD Parks & Environmental Services, Environmental Protection Treasurer
Avrael Perreault, CRD Parks, Recreation and Environmental Services Secretary