Job Action & Strike Pay

In the fall of 2018 job action at the CRD was avoided after settlement was reached between the GVLRA and the Local.

Bargaining is currently underway for our members with Island Health and the CRD. Strike committees are actively preparing for job action to support our position at the table with the employers.

How Does CUPE Strike Pay Work?
Strike pay comes from CUPE BC and CUPE National and is paid when members take part in job action
Who is Eligible for Strike Pay?
In order to qualify for strike pay, a member must:

  • Be a member in good standing
  • Be active on the payroll of the employer
  • Complete a minimum of 20 hours of picketing or other assigned duty, per week
  • Complete the required strike pay application
How Many Days a Week are Members Required to Picket?
The most common strike schedule is 4 hours a day, 5 days a week. However, some members may require an accommodation in order to be able to work another job, or for some other reason. Or, a local may require longer picket line shifts in order to maintain the picket lines. Locals are encouraged, when possible, to allow for some flexibility about when strikers can complete their picketing hours.
How Much do Striking Members Get Paid?
The daily benefit is $60.00 maximum per day, to a maximum of $300 per calendar week. In order to receive strike pay and other benefits, members must have performed their assigned strike duty for a minimum of twenty (20) hours per week.
When do Members Get Their First Strike Pay?
Members will be eligible for strike pay from the National Strike Fund on the 1Oth calendar day of the strike. The first strike pay cheque will be ready on XXXXXXXX and will continue on a weekly basis thereafter.

For the first 9 days of the strike, some CUPE locals may decide to issue strike pay from their own financial reserves, based on an amount pre-approved by members at their membership meeting.

What Happens to Members' Regular Pay?
Members will receive their pay from their employer for any days still unpaid when the strike begins. Members will not be paid by their employer for the working days while on strike.
What Happens to Members on Maternity or Parental Leave?
If a member is on maternity or parental leave, or have scheduled the start of their leave before a strike begins, they are entitled to receive maternity and/or parental benefits.

This doesn’t mean that they can’t join their comrades on the picket line, or participate in some of the strike action. Their solidarity and support will always be appreciated, even if it’s bringing snacks and coffee to the picket line. How involved they want to be is up to them.

What happens if a member has a vacation scheduled, will they get paid?
Vacations scheduled before a strike, and which fall during a strike, may or may not be paid. However, in our experience, it is unlikely the employer will continue to provide paid vacation after the strike/lockout has commenced. The local will advise the members.
What happens when a member is scheduled for annual leave during the strike?
Members should check with the strike headquarters about their particular situation.
Is strike pay considered taxable income?
No. Strike pay is not taxed by Revenue Canada.
Do the Executive/Bargaining Committee/Picket Captains get paid more than the picketers?
No. They receive the same National Strike Pay of $60/day, up to a maximum of $300/week.
Kelly Kerr VIHA Steward
Tom Benjamin, CRD Technology & Digital Transformation, 625 Fisgard Street Past President
Tyler Lynk, CRD Integrated Water Services, McLoughlin Wastewater Treatment Plant CRD Steward
Ferron Olynyk VIHA Steward
Shane Reimer, CRD Parks & Environmental Services, Regional Parks CRD Coordinator
Coral Lee Henderson, CRD Bylaw and Animal Care Services CRD Steward
Graziella Martin, CRD Parks & Environmental Services, Regional Parks CRD Steward
CRD Integrated Water Services CRD Steward
CRD Steward
Brett Wicker, Panorama Recreation Centre CRD Steward
CRD Steward
CRD Integrated Water Services, Macaulay Point CRD Steward
CRD Steward
Blair Barrett, CRD Parks & Environmental Services, Regional Parks CRD Steward
CRD Integrated Water Services, Tennyson Avenue CRD Steward
Panorama Recreation Centre CRD Steward
Tom Judge GVHS Steward
WSPRS Steward
Michael McKinley VIHA Steward
Job Action Email
Sceni Powers, CRD Financial Services, Major Projects Trustee
Carli Hliva, CRD Parks & Environmental Services, Hartland Landfill Trustee
Frieda Shabrang Vice President
Mauricio Navarrete, CRD President
Karley Field, CRD Finance, Payroll
Swati Scott VIHA Coordinator
James Kroening, CRD Integrated Water Services, Saanich Peninsula Wastewater Treatment Plant CRD Coordinator
Cale McLellan, CRD Housing Chair (CRD)
Tony Smerychynski, CRD Integrated Water Services, McLoughlin Point Wastewater Treatment Plant CRD Coordinator
Perry Watson, CRD Parks & Environmental Services, Hartland Landfill CRD Steward
Jayden Grieve Chair GVHS
Lindsay Fumalle VIHA Chair
Shawn Davies, West Shore Parks & Recreation WSPRS Chair
Shirley Lyons, CRD Parks & Environmental Services, Environmental Protection Treasurer
Avrael Perreault, CRD Parks, Recreation and Environmental Services Secretary