Job Action & Strike Pay
In the fall of 2018 job action at the CRD was avoided after settlement was reached between the GVLRA and the Local.
Bargaining is currently underway for our members with Island Health and the CRD. Strike committees are actively preparing for job action to support our position at the table with the employers.
Who is Eligible for Strike Pay?
- Be a member in good standing
- Be active on the payroll of the employer
- Complete a minimum of 20 hours of picketing or other assigned duty, per week
- Complete the required strike pay application
How Many Days a Week are Members Required to Picket?
How Much do Striking Members Get Paid?
When do Members Get Their First Strike Pay?
For the first 9 days of the strike, some CUPE locals may decide to issue strike pay from their own financial reserves, based on an amount pre-approved by members at their membership meeting.
What Happens to Members' Regular Pay?
What Happens to Members on Maternity or Parental Leave?
This doesn’t mean that they can’t join their comrades on the picket line, or participate in some of the strike action. Their solidarity and support will always be appreciated, even if it’s bringing snacks and coffee to the picket line. How involved they want to be is up to them.